Chess Club
The Chess Club, before school, Thursday from 8-8.30 am. We enjoy challenging each other while developing our Problem-Solving and Risk Taking learner qualities.
If you are keen to join us.
Please contact Mrs Daya
(Room 5)
Marimba Band
Marimba Band, Tuesday 8.00 am in the music room.
This is for senior and intermediate students who will be taken by Anna Fisher.
If you are interested in joining contact Ms Anna McLeod (Music teacher): annaf@churchillpark.school.nz

The choir is open to students from Years 4 to 8, and we meet every Monday morning at 8am in the Music Room.
Your child will need to commit to being involved and arriving at this time for the whole year.
If you are interested in joining contact Ms Anna McLeod (Music teacher):
Senior kapa haka group Years 4 – 8,
Monday practices at 1.25 p.m. in the hall.
Contact Anna McLeod (Music Teacher):

Jump Jam
Years 4-8, Friday at 8.30am in the Hall.
Contact Mrs Beveridge