Technology is taught throughout the school, years 0 – 8, following the guidelines of the New Zealand Curriculum.
Technological Practice
Planning for practice, brief development, outcome development and evaluation
Technological Knowledge
Technological modelling, technological products, technological systems
Nature of technology
Characteristics of technologyCharacteristics of technological outcomes
Students are offered challenging and exciting opportunities to build their skills and knowledge as they develop a range of outcomes through technological practice. e.g.
Making speakers, building bridges, and creating cushions with a junk-to-funk theme.
Our learning is interlinked across the curriculum, it can follow school-wide topics and/or focus on Enviro school values. We are always using our CPS Learner Qualities.
Technology is fun and the context of learning is always relevant e.g. making costumes for productions.
We visit external expert organisations such as MOTAT, Howick Village, and Tip Top, and have specific expertise come to us either from our community or further afield. We compete in interschool competitions such as the EPro8 challenge. These links act as a catalyst for deeper learning and engagement of students.
We bring together practical and intellectual resources in creative and informed ways to engage the students with the many technological challenges of today's world, e.g., making a healthy meal using ingredients with the least carbon footprint associated with it.