Our History
The current values of the school – Respect, Honesty and Striving for Excellence, are values that will have been upheld by the school community over the entire fifty years of its being.
We have strong connections with parents and grandparents who tell us that this is so and it is satisfying to know that Churchill Park School continues to uphold the values of its past members as well as those of the present community.
In November 2011 we had a fire that destroyed our E-Wing and Library as well as the teachers' resource room. This gave us the opportunity to build a modern learning environment, upgrade our network and provide a wireless platform that enabled us to have a flexible learn anywhere, anytime philosophy.

Our Community
Our position in the park has created a strong motif for Churchill Park students over the years to "Stand Talll" like the pine trees in the park. So many of our students have gone on to excel in their chosen fields of endeavour, and have often returned to the school to share their successes with us. We have also gained recent prominence as being a Green Gold school in the Enviro Schools organisation and have huge community support for developing and maintaining our student-led environmental initiatives. We know our current, and future students will continue this strong tradition of excellence, environmental and community care and, like our Churchill Park trees, will continue to "Stand Tall" over the next fifty years to come.
In 2015 we had our 50th Jubilee. Past and present staff, students and parents gathered to celebrate our great school.