Churchill Park School
Churchill Park School is a full primary school with a roll of 437 students. New Zealand European/Pākehā students make up 62 percent of the roll, and Māori students four percent. There are smaller numbers of students from many different cultural groups. There are also students from other European countries, Pacific islands, and countries throughout Asia and the Middle East.
The school promotes environmental awareness, sustainability and student citizenship. Its five strategic growth goals are Hauora (wellbeing), Ako (learning), He Tangata (people), Whanaungatanga (engagement), and Kaitiakitanga (resources).
The school’s vision is “to grow future focused global citizens, who are literate and numerate, and demonstrate the school’s learner qualities and enviroschool principles”.

Glendowie School
Glendowie School is located close to the Tamaki estuary in East Auckland. It provides education for students in Years 1 to 8. The school roll includes six percent Māori students and one percent Pacific. The school roll is approximately 600 students
The school is guided by its vision ‘I care’, which prioritises the provision of high quality teaching and learning programmes. The school’s expectations are that students will become confident, compassionate lifelong learners, be encouraged to achieve their full potential, and actively participate in our country and as citizens of the world. The school’s values include the learner profile with its attributes of our students being internationally minded. The programme of inquiry focusses on the key elements of knowledge, skills, concepts and approaches to learning of the Primary Years Programme of the International Baccalaureate (PYP). Glendowie School promotes the values of lifelong learning, excellence, community involvement, and local and global citizenship.
The school hosts a Montessori integrated unit and a satellite class from Sommerville Special School.

St Heliers School
St Heliers School is highly effective in achieving equitable outcomes for children.
Children are achieving excellent educational outcomes. School performance has been sustained over time through well-focused, embedded processes and practices. Personal excellence, well rounded development and outstanding citizenship are identified as the school’s valued outcomes for children.
The purposeful, settled, attractive learning environments promote positive outcomes for children effectively. Children are highly engaged in, and talk knowledgeably about, their learning. They have opportunities to learn individually and in groups through a variety of formal and informal settings.
Teachers provide high quality learning opportunities for children. They actively engage children in their own learning while adhering to the school’s expectations of structure and formality. Teachers use relevant contexts to make learning meaningful for children. Classrooms are positive and children and teachers share mutual respect. Children are well supported to become independent learners.

Glendowie College
Glendowie College is an academic, caring and innovative school that is academically high achieving
and offers students a wide range of opportunities in and beyond the classroom.
With a growing roll, currently close to 1,300 students, the school enjoys high calibre and motivated
students who are very well supported by articulate, professional and engaged parents.
We run an academic curriculum and provide a range of vocational courses. We also work with
tertiary providers to connect students to alternative pathways while still at school. The vast majority
of students of Glendowie College students progress from school to study at university and other
tertiary providers.
Beyond the classroom, Glendowie College offers a huge range of opportunities for our young men
and women. We have the highest sports participation rate in the Auckland region, with students
participating in a wide range of sports including rowing, football, rugby, netball, basketball, hockey,
and much more. We also provide opportunities in the arts (e.g. school productions) and student
leadership such as the Duke of Edinburgh programme.
The college has an outstanding reputation with excellent ERO reports, and among the highest NCEA and NZ Scholarship results in the country.
We provide an extensive range of pastoral and learning support to our students through our houses,
guidance counsellors, learning support coordinators, and our unique ‘wellbeing framework’.