Churchill Park School is conducting a lockdown exercise.  All updates are provided on our website.  Please do not come to the school or phone the school as you will not be attended to.  We will update this website when the exercise has been completed.  Thank you.

Churchill Park School has gone into lockdown because of ______________.  We will continue to provide updates on our website as often as possible.  Please do not come to the school or phone the school as you will not be attended to and this may cause disruption to the management of this incident and could potentially place yourselves and/or our staff and student’s safety at risk.  We will update this website when the lockdown has been completed.  Thank you. 

We are now in Alert Level 2.5 


Literacy Support Programmes

  • Reading Recovery - provides daily one to one teaching with a specially trained teacher for children making the slowest progress in literacy learning after a year at school. It is supplementary to classroom instruction.
  • Rainbow Reading – is an audio-facilitated reading programme consisting of a series of books, at seven colour-coded levels, with accompanying audio support and activities. A programme which improves students' enjoyment, confidence and competence in reading.
  • Individual tuition - by Anne-Maree Beveridge and trained teacher aides – supported by our RTLB.
  • Computer Programmes: STEPS - is a computer based reading programme. Students using STEPS work independently through levels of reading skill development in addition to their regular classroom lessons. This programme is used with students from Year 2 -6.

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